Colostrum harvesting - should you do it?

Colostrum Harvesting – Should You Do It?

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you might have heard about colostrum harvesting. It’s a technique where you, the expectant mother, can hand-express colostrum before your baby is born. While colostrum harvesting can be beneficial, it’s not a must-do for everyone. Colostrum is your body’s first breast milk – a nutrient-rich, golden fluid…

breastmilk facts

52 Fascinating Breastmilk Facts: Discover the Incredible Truths About Nature’s Nourishment

In this article, I will delve into a collection of 52 fascinating facts about breastmilk, covering everything from its composition and nutritional value to its immune-boosting properties and long-term benefits. Whether you’re a new parent seeking valuable insights or simply curious about the wonders of breastmilk, get ready to be amazed by the incredible facts…