how to fix a shallow latch

How to Fix a Shallow Latch in 8 Simple Steps

Want to know how to fix a shallow latch? Having a proper latch when breastfeeding isn’t just about comfort; it’s integral to the success of your breastfeeding journey. A shallow latch can lead to sore nipples and an underfed baby, making those calm, bonding moments a bit stressful. But don’t worry, adjusting your little one…

why is my breast milk watery

Why Is My Breast Milk Watery? Foremilk/Hindmilk Imbalance?

If you’ve noticed your breast milk seems a bit more like water than you expected, you’re certainly not alone. Many new parents that I talk to as a breastfeeding counselor are surprised by the varying consistencies that breast milk can have. Changes in the appearance of your breast milk are often completely normal. Why is…

can you eat chocolate while breastfeeding

Can You Eat Chocolate While Breastfeeding? Yes!

When you’re a new breastfeeding mom, everything you eat and drink seems to come with a question mark – will it affect your baby’s health? Coffee, alcohol … the list goes on! But can you eat chocolate while breastfeeding? The answer is: YES!! Some reports can make you worry because chocolate contains a substance called…

baby keeps pulling off breast and relatching

20 Reasons Your Baby Keeps Pulling Off Breast And Relatching

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience, but it’s not without its little hiccups. As a breastfeeding counselor and mom of 2 I know that one common situation you might encounter is when your baby keeps pulling off the breast and then relatching. This may happen for a variety of reasons, and understanding why it’s…

how to breastfeed in public

How to Breastfeed in Public: 10 Expert Tips from a Breastfeeding Counselor

Breastfeeding in public can be a daunting prospect if you’re new to nursing, but please remember that you have the right to feed your baby wherever and whenever they’re hungry. I remember only too well how nervous I was when I first breastfed in public! In a society where 83.9% of mothers in the United…

what to do with spoiled breast milk

What To Do With Spoiled Breast Milk: 6 Creative Ideas!

Breast milk is often referred to as “liquid gold” due to its numerous health benefits for babies. However, sometimes breast milk can go bad and leave you wondering what to do with the spoiled milk. Or there may be occasions when it’s not expired, it’s just unusable like after taking certain medications or drinking over…

clicking during breastfeeding

Can You Hear Clicking During Breastfeeding? Why? And How Can You Fix It?

As a mom who’s navigated the breastfeeding journey twice, I know the worry that comes with hearing your baby make unexpected sounds during nursing. Both of my babies had episodes of clicking during breastfeeding – one due to tongue tie and the other because of laryngomalacia. Here’s what I want you to know: hearing a…

what is paced bottle feeding

What is Paced Bottle Feeding? Is It The Next Best Thing To Breastfeeding?

When you’re considering how to feed your little one, paced bottle feeding is a technique that’s worth knowing about – especially if you’re using expressed breastmilk/pumped milk or baby formula. Diving into motherhood not once, but twice, taught me a ton about feeding tiny humans. With one of my kids needing surgery for laryngomalacia, paced…

spectra s1 plus vs s2 plus

Spectra S1 Plus vs S2 Plus: The Battle Of The Spectra Pumps!

As a mom and breastfeeding counselor, I know how challenging it can be to find the perfect breast pump. That’s why I’m excited to discuss the battle between Spectra S1 Plus vs S2 Plus breast pumps. These two powerful pumps have a lot in common, but some key differences might just be the deciding factor…

Breastfeeding Rates in 2023 A Comprehensive Overview

Breastfeeding Rates in 2023: A Comprehensive Overview

Breastfeeding, a natural and beneficial practice, has seen a significant increase in prevalence over the past decade. In this article, we explore the latest statistical data about breastfeeding rates in 2023 worldwide. In 2023, the global prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding rose by 10 percentage points to 48%[1][9][12]. This uptick is not just a number—it’s a…