Colostrum harvesting - should you do it?

Colostrum Harvesting – Should You Do It?

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you might have heard about colostrum harvesting. It’s a technique where you, the expectant mother, can hand-express colostrum before your baby is born. While colostrum harvesting can be beneficial, it’s not a must-do for everyone. Colostrum is your body’s first breast milk – a nutrient-rich, golden fluid…

can you eat chocolate while breastfeeding

Can You Eat Chocolate While Breastfeeding? Yes!

When you’re a new breastfeeding mom, everything you eat and drink seems to come with a question mark – will it affect your baby’s health? Coffee, alcohol … the list goes on! But can you eat chocolate while breastfeeding? The answer is: YES!! Some reports can make you worry because chocolate contains a substance called…