Colostrum harvesting - should you do it?

Colostrum Harvesting – Should You Do It?

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you might have heard about colostrum harvesting. It’s a technique where you, the expectant mother, can hand-express colostrum before your baby is born. While colostrum harvesting can be beneficial, it’s not a must-do for everyone. Colostrum is your body’s first breast milk – a nutrient-rich, golden fluid…

breastfeeding twins

Breastfeeding Twins: Double the Love, Milk, and Challenges

Meet Ann: an affiliate marketing consultant based outside of Chicago. She specializes in helping brands grow their programs and achieve success. As a work from home wife and mom to three boys, including four year old twins, she also blogs on The Full Hand about her experiences balancing digital marketing with her role as a…