baby keeps pulling off breast and relatching

20 Reasons Your Baby Keeps Pulling Off Breast And Relatching

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience, but it’s not without its little hiccups. As a breastfeeding counselor and mom of 2 I know that one common situation you might encounter is when your baby keeps pulling off the breast and then relatching. This may happen for a variety of reasons, and understanding why it’s…

how to naturally balance hormones while breastfeeding

How To Naturally Balance Hormones While Breastfeeding: 7 Powerful Tips

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural experience unique to every mother and baby. However, it can also be a challenging time for new moms, especially when it comes to hormonal shifts. Hormone health plays a crucial role in the body, affecting everything from mood to metabolism. When a woman is breastfeeding, her hormones are constantly…

what is elastic nipples breastfeeding

What is Elastic Nipples Breastfeeding? The Impact on Breastfeeding and Pumping

Hello nursing moms! As a fellow mom and paramedic with two children whom I breastfed for over a year each, I know that the breastfeeding journey is not always smooth. Today, I want to address a topic that may not be widely discussed but can affect many of us: elastic nipples. You may have asked…

when is it too late to start breastfeeding

When Is It Too Late To Start Breastfeeding?

I know you’re probably carrying a lot of questions around, and one might be – when is it too late to start breastfeeding? Let me reassure you: in most cases, it’s never too late!! Yes, you heard right! Even if you stopped breastfeeding or didn’t get to start right after your little one entered the…

breastfeeding vs exclusive pumping

Breastfeeding vs Exclusive Pumping: Which is Right for You?

Are you a new or expectant parent, weighing the options of breastfeeding, exclusive pumping, or perhaps a combination of both? As a mother who has breastfed both of my children for over a year each, and now a breastfeeding counselor, I understand the importance of making informed decisions and finding the method that works best…

how to increase milk supply quickly

How to Increase Milk Supply Quickly: Tips and Tricks for Breastfeeding Moms

Are you struggling with a low milk supply? It’s a common breastfeeding problem that many new moms face, but it can be frustrating and stressful when you’re trying to provide enough milk for your little one. Some moms feel desperate so they consider ending their breastfeeding journey earlier than they would have liked! Luckily, there…

best breastfeeding tips for newborns

16 of the Best Breastfeeding Tips for Newborns: Master the Art of the Boob

Navigating the world of breastfeeding as a new parent can feel overwhelming and, let’s face it, a bit messy! But fear not, because I’m here to help you master the art of nourishing your little one with ease and confidence. In this article, I’ll share some of the best breastfeeding tips for newborns that have…

how to heal nipple fissure while breastfeeding

How to Heal Nipple Fissure While Breastfeeding in 2024

Healing nipple fissures while breastfeeding can be a painful and frustrating experience for many new mothers. Nipple fissures are small cracks or cuts on the nipple – they can cause moderate to severe pain during breastfeeding and can seriously hinder a successful breastfeeding journey. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper…

engorgement vs mastitis

Engorgement vs Mastitis: What’s The Difference?

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for both the mother and her baby. It creates an unbreakable bond and provides essential nutrition for the baby. However, it can also come with challenges, including understanding breast engorgement vs mastitis. These conditions can occur anytime and cause discomfort and pain, making it difficult to continue breastfeeding. In this…